My Instagram and Moments Worth Remembering

writing challenge

Developing a Rhythm and Practice of Writing - Part 17

In 2014, I did a project on Instagram where I posted a picture of a moment worth remembering everyday. I called it “365 Moments”. This project was life changing because it taught me how to be present in the here and now. It was the year following my hospitalization and 3-months of recovery from burnout - my body decided to shut down. 

That year was full of incredible moments and whenever I see the video of all 365 photos played back with music - I can still remember vividly almost all of the moments.

I did it again in 2016. 

Today, this practice lives in my journal. Instead of posting pictures on social media - I print out the selected photos and tape it to my journal. It’s my “Analog Instagram”. It used to be called photo albums. Remember those.

My journals are full of pictures of moments worth remembering with my family and friends. It’s a daily reminder to reflect on those simple moments. It also helps me to be intentional about creating those moments - when the demands of life and work makes our intention to be fully present difficult. 

During my difficult or frustrating seasons, I flip through my journal and look at the pictures. It reminds me of what is truly important. The relationships. The people. It also helps me to be grateful. 

I don’t use social media much anymore. And my life is better for it.  Instagram is the only place you will ever see me post anything. And when I do - I share the insights, thinking or anything that would be of value to help creators and founders learn and grow.