Daily Disciplines - Practice & Habit Tracker

writing challenge

Developing a Rhythm and Practice of Writing - Part 17

“You cannot change your life until you change something you do everyday.”
- John C. Maxwell

My daily practices and habit tracker (aka Daily Disciplines) is one of the most important tools of my life. Over the decade of journaling consistently, I have been seeking and discovering, adopting and adapting, and integrating a collection of practices that have shown to produce fruitful results in my life. 

Whenever I feel derailed, discouraged, disillusioned or dissatisfied, I look at my tracker to see if there is any correlation between how disciplined I am and the current state of my being. More often than not, there always is.

The gap between our current reality and our desired future (the beautiful future) can only be bridged by our discipline. It takes intention and commitment. It bridges “here” to “there”. 

At the end of the day, I grade my “discipline”. And at the end of two weeks, I average the grades and ask myself - “what made it difficult” and “how can I be more consistent”.

“Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.”
- W. Edwards Deming

This entry is for Month-long writing challenge for our The Beautiful Future Members. Every weekday, we write and share with one another to build and strengthen our practice of writing.